Crocheting Together Your Fish Blanket - A How-to Guide
Finally, single crochet around the entire blanket and then, if desired, do a row of double crochet. To allow for ease you may want to do a few extra single crochets at the four corners and the rounded edges of the fish. More pictures of this to follow.
Please leave a comment if you have any questions and I will get back to you!
oh, oh, O.R.E.O.
Holy stress case, this has to be some kind of torture. One by one each of my friends has called while having a panic/stress breakdown. I've had at least 25. How did I avoid one tonight? I baked these delicious homemade oreo cookies. Recipe from the Smitten Kitchen's website.I'm panicking now while watching a criminal procedure video, but the baking worked for a short time.
"Ratatouille for Dinner" - a brief synopsis of my day
Oh smitten kitchen, how you inspired me today…
Mom: “I am not pleased with my vegetable intake”
Me: “You must see what the Smitten Kitchen made, hold on I’ll get my computer”
Mom: “that’s beautiful”
Six hours later Mom goes to grocery store, upon her return
Mom: “Can you make that ratatouille for me now?”
Me: “grrr, no, snap, study, snap, snap, ”
Thirty minutes later we have this for dinner:
recipe here.
Note that this lovely creation follows this morning's delicious carrot & banana bread. Eat that, bar examiners!
Seaming while reading? I think not
I cannot seam and read at the same time, I can only knit and read. Consequently I'm facing a boat-load of seaming after I finish the bar exam next week. I'm so excited for this nightmare to be over...I can't wait to stop studying! Here are a few of the projects waiting for me:
Fish, lots and lots of Fish
Spotty Rotty Banana = Carrot & Banana Bread
The loaves didn't rise as high as I would have liked, but the results were delicious. When I measured my carrots I packed the measuring cup tightly. I think if I measured the carrots "loosely" then the batter would not have been as heavy and the loaves would have risen higher.
- 1 large over-ripe banana mushed in a 2cup Pyrex measuring cup
- Shredded carrots with the moisture squeezed out added to the bananas to make 2 cups - see the note above about measuring "loosely"
- 3 cups flour
- 1t salt
- 1t baking powder
- 1/4t baking soda
- 2t cinnamon
- 3 eggs
- 2 cups sugar
- 2T oil
- 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce (I use one snack-pack size container)
- 1t vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1-1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts
Mix all the wet ingredients & sugar together. Add the bananas & carrots, mix well. Then add the dry ingredients in 2 or 3 batches, mixing to incorporate after each. Finally add the chopped walnuts.
Pour into two greased 8 1/2 x 5 pans
Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes until a toothpick tester is dry
This is really good served with a little cream cheese on top. Yum!